
Beside the Lens #3 by Stephanie White

"Costa Rica's For The Birds!"

Sunday, September 7

I've never been a fan of birds. Except for Puffins, they're one of my favorite animals. You see, there was an incident nearly 25 years ago at a pet store in Pittsburgh. A certain large, white cockatoo (like the one pictured below from google) was openly flying around the store and decided my head looked like a pleasant place to land. Screaming and crying, I dropped to the floor in the fetal position. Intimidating looking bird, right?

But my attitude toward birds has since changed after our Costa Rican adventure. It may be, in part, because of the numerous and diverse bird species. They were stunningly beautiful. I was in awe of their vibrant coloring and unique sounds. The complexity of their songs, chip notes and call notes somehow wasn't annoying, like every morning dove outside my window in high school.  I think this is one way you can tell you're getting older. When birds quit annoying you, and instead, you start waking up to see the birds, not caring if they wake you up in the morning. Yup, I'm old. 

Rob had heard from other guests at the hotel there was a hiking trail on site. Eventually, we located said trail on the hotel's property, but it wasn't exactly used for hiking. It was a zip lining trail. But it got us eye-level with many tree-tops. 

We heard a lot of birds, but realized the true difficulty in photographing these swift animals. For one, they're constantly on the move. Secondly, many are very small, and third, the canopy of trees provides tough lighting to shoot. We had hoped to see other animals besides birds, But this particular morning brought only birds and bugs. Here are a few moments Rob was able to capture from that morning. 

The rain came early, just after noon. We were are the pool, and took shelter at the pool bar. The hotel had arranged for a Marimba Band to perform, so it worked out well to be entertained while it poured outside. I had the opportunity to play in the band. I thought my training in piano would come in handy, but it didn't. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity though. 

The night ended with dinner at another beautiful restaurant on the coast, called Roberto's. Again, we were one of only two tables, but this time we were accompanied by a dog. She had just birthed puppies a few weeks earlier, and was pretty hungry for food. The portions at Roberto's were nothing less of American-size portions, so this dog ate well. 

Beside The Lens #1 by Stephanie White

"Pack it up, pack it in. "

Rob and I had the opportunity to spend 10 days in Costa Rica this September. We've been asked by many family and friends the obvious question "How was your trip?" So voila - this blog was born. Rob's always behind the camera, and since I married the guy, I guess that makes me his wife, beside the lens.

So, in this journal I will attempt to:

* Entertain you through pictures depicting our adventures

* Highlight a selection of White Lily's photography

* Enlighten you with what we learned in case you travel to Costa Rica one day (thumbs up!) which we highly recommend

Thursday, September 4, 2014.

Don't be fooled by those packs. Rob and I didn't rough it, or backpack in Costa Rica. Truth be told, I've had this wretched giant purple suitcase which has traveled the United States, Canada, even 3 weeks through Europe. It's been on it's last wheel (literally) since it's first trip through baggage claim, but has seemed to rally through this last decade. So, we registered for super awesome Osprey Packs from REI for travel AND hiking.

Being cheap, I booked 3 indirect flights to get to Costa Rica from Phoenix. We traveled to Denver Thursday evening, took a red eye Friday morning to Ft Lauderdale, then a 10 AM flight to Costa Rica. We arrived in Alajuela at 11 AM Friday morning. If only we knew what the day had in store for us...

We picked up our packs and headed to the ATM to get cash for a cab to downtown San Jose. I thought I was being smart by writing down the exchange rate from dollars to colonnes. I knew what $1 was in colonnes, $5, $10, $20 etc. That was somewhat helpful, but I didn't think through the fact that in the US, I can't take out $92.32 from the ATM because it equals 50,000 colonnes! So here I was, that American traveler, staring at the ATM in distress, trying to figure what even amount would make sense to take out of this ATM. Eventually, I entered a round number, somewhere in the thousands, took the money and ran. 

We then took a taxi to a bus station in San Jose. This was our first experience traveling like the Ticos (locals) do. Costa Ricans drive super fast, zipping around any car traveling slightly slower than you. We got dropped off at Tralapa (one of many bus stations), and purchased a fare to Playa Hermosa. Again, being cheap and wanting an authentic experience to travel like the Ticos do, we were scheduled for a 4:00 PM departure. It cost about 12,000 colonnes ($22). With 4 hours to kill, we meandered through the busy streets, looking for food and another ATM (since I tipped our cab driver nearly double the fare - I really should have spent some time practicing my Spanish). 

We stumbled upon a Nicaraguan "Soda", which is the name for any local restaurant. I ordered something arroz con pollo, and that was the last time I had chicken in Costa Rica. Maybe it was the mint, maybe it was the way I watched this woman cook it from a bucket, I won't ever know. But Nicaraguan chicken, not my thing. Awhile later, we were ready to explore a bit when CRACK - THUNDER - LIGHTNING, our first heavy thunderstorm rolled through. We knew we booked our trip during the rainy season (low season), but living in the desert, we didn't mind the chance to see rain. It poured for hours, so we didn't explore much of anything, except a convenience store for water, rum and soda. FYI, if you purchase soda (pop) in a glass bottle, you must drink it in the convenience store. I don't chug... so plastic it was.  

Fast forward to 4:00 PM, we're walking onto this coach bus with no bathrooms, and it smells like a truck-stop bathroom. So much for our authentic 7 1/2 hour experience. 3 1/2 hours into our trip, the bus stopped to let people use the restroom, stretch their legs and get snacks. Rob of course, utilized this time to take a few photos. We got back on the bus and little did we know in a few hours we had to transfer buses to get to Playa Hermosa because this bus was heading to Tamarindo, a beach two hours south of Playa Hermosa. 

Enter God. Well, He's always with us, but He made his presence known to us on this bus. Mind you, we're holding our breath cause it smells rank, we're sweating through our clothes with this humidity, it's pitch black since 6 PM, and we can't tell from any road sign where we are - oh - and no one announces the names of any bus stop. It's now about 10 PM, the bus stops, we're restless, and we notice a lot of people getting off. The guys ahead of us get off, and by the Grace of God, this Tico comes to sit in the now-empty row ahead of us. He asks Rob, in Spanish, if he speaks Spanish.

"Un Poco", replies Rob.

"Where are you trying to go?" he asks in English.

"Playa Hermosa"

Whistle !! Whistle !!

This complete stranger immediately jumps up, whistling for the bus driver to stop, this was our stop! We had to transfer busses!! Our driver politely slams on the brakes and jams on the horn to alert the other bus.  He's then quickly on his cell phone contacting the other driver to wait for these 2 Gringo's to get on the right bus. Praise God for this Tico who decided to switch seats on the bus, and start a conversation with us. 

Adrenaline pumping, after sprinting our 30lb. packs down the road and apologizing gratefully we're bouncing up and down on this other coach bus for about an hour to Playa Hermosa. The roads are bumpy, not paved, and low-and-behold, "POP!", the bus pops a tire. The driver stops for a bit, a passenger gets off to assess the damage, and within a few minutes, we're moving again, flat tire and all. 

Finally, we make it to Playa Hermosa, and the driver drops us off right outside Condovac, the timeshare we stayed at for a week. Arriving at the gate to check in, we had to walk up a ridiculously steep hill in the pitch black with our heavy packs. The man at the gate gave us directions in Spanish, but of course we mis-understood, and walked the opposite direction up another ridiculously steep hill. But we made it!! We checked into room 218 at midnight, and we finally rested from our 30+ hour day(s) of travel. You never realize how nice a shower can be sometimes.